

Dear ARLIS friends and colleagues:

I hope this email finds you well!

On behalf of my friend Mariana -- a talented Colombian chef and food stylist in New York ( -- I'd like to ask if any art librarians out there might be able to help her locate images (historical photos or drawings) of some key architectural and urban landmark sites in the region that she might hope to license (if possible) for use in an upcoming cookbook of Colombian cuisine. 

Mariana had planned to travel back home and shoot the sites herself, but COVID-19 restrictions have made the roundtrip voyage impossible.

Here are some of the specific desired images (historical photos or drawings):

- Portal de los Dulces, Cartagena, 1920s. 
- Plaza de Mercado, Honda, late 1800s - early 1900s.
- Cañaverales, Valle del Cauca. 1900s.
- Neighborhood store at La Candelaria, Bogotá. 1900s.

She's also seeking historical drawings and photographs of Colombian women shown in a food-related context (perhaps cooking, or gathering ingredients / supplies that could be related to food or kitchens) i.e.:

- A food-related image of a colonial-era "antioqueña" woman. (ref. the book "Marquesa de Yoolombó" by Tomás Carrasquilla)
- A food-related image of a "boyacense" woman, with hat and poncho, from anytime/date
- A food-related image of Emberá women, from any time / date (The Emberá are an indigenous tribe local to Colombia's border with Panamá)
- A food-related image of Afro-Colombian women from the Pacific region (Chocó) 

I know she would be incredibly grateful for any leads you might have, and if the right researcher or graduate student out there might be interested in getting involved, I expect there might be an opportunity here for published image research credits in the book or modestly paid compensation, to scale.

Please let me know (off list) if you think you might be able to help.

Warm regards,
Arthur Fournier

+1 (917)749-9431

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