I want to thank everyone who responded with terrific title and search suggestions! We are now well on our way to building a reading list around this topic. 

My gratitude to all who so generously took the time to respond to my query. 

All best,


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From: Kim Detterbeck <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 7:09 AM
Subject: Non-European Color Theory
To: <[log in to unmask]>

Hi All,

I am working with a faculty member on research regarding non-european approaches to/thoughts on color theory. These are his exact words: " In particular, I'm trying to find the very elusive: good resources on non-Eurocentric color. That is, how is/are color(s) understood in, say, India, or West Africa, etc. In the past, I found this had to be assembled piecemeal from random sources."

Any advice, direction, insights would be much appreciated!

With thanks,
Kim Detterbeck
Art Librarian | Instruction Coordinator 
Purchase College - SUNY

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