
I received several expressions of interest in this inquiry, so I am summarizing what folks have sent to me:

-there is strong collecting and subject knowledge at Northwestern, Stanford, and the National Museum of African Art (a Smithsonian). Recommended resources for collection development include Janet Stanley's list on African Modern Art, the NMAA list on book dealers, the Stanford list of dealers for Subsaharan Africa, and Ruth Thomas' libguide on African Art & Architecture.
-Some specific dealers mentioned were: Clarke's for Southern Africa, Hogarth for West Africa, Thorold's, LC Field Plans for Central and East Africa
-GOBI has a number of books available through African Books Collective (not sure how many cover art and architecture)
-An ARLIS/NA member pointed out that they use Axis Gallery in New York, which provides lists of titles.
-Ex-Libris-L to monitor for rare books and manuscripts
-Artfilms for visual material

I'm working with our librarians who cover Africa to increase collecting, and will likely have more to share once we get things more established. Thank you everyone who shared their knowledge and contacts, it is much appreciated!

Best regards to all,

On Mon, Aug 3, 2020 at 7:57 PM Emilee Mathews <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello all,

If I may yet again request some insight - I'm looking into increasing collections from Africa across art and architecture. Focus is primarily contemporary, 20th century is also desirable. Do you have any insight on vendors and/or publishers?

Much appreciated!

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