Greetings! We are Kristen Schuster (at King's College London) and Vanessa Reyes-Herridge (University of South Florida).

We are following up on a survey on data management practices in cultural heritage institutions sent out in late 2018. Findings from this phase of research is forthcoming as a book chapter titled 'Manage Your Data: Information Management Strategies for DH Practitioners.'  

Now, we would like to expand on our findings, and this current survey is aimed at collecting insights and experiences from a range of data management and knowledge organization practitioners and researchers.

This iteration of our survey consists of two parts: Part one is a series of general questions about where you work and the the range of data management strategies your institution has developed. Part two is a more in-depth series of questions about your work, responsibilities and opinions. It should take between 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.

If you are interested in taking part in our survey, please click here 

Many thanks for participating!
Kristen and Vanessa

King's College London Ethical Clearance Reference Number 

Dr. Kristen Schuster, PhD
Lecturer in Digital Curation
Office hours: By appointment 

Room S3.26
Department of Digital Humanities 
King's College London | Strand Campus | WC2R 2LS

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