Hi Everyone,

The architecture library I manage, as well as all libraries at the University of Waterloo have been physically closed since mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All classes at the School of Architecture that I support are going to be online in the Fall semester, so likely my library will not reopen to the public until 2021. 

We've extended chat hours, are offering curbside pick-up at our main branches (and soon at the Musagetes Library), moving all library instruction to online, and I'm doing reference via email, and consultations through Skype, MS Teams, et cetera.

One think we haven't been able to do is replicate the ease of coming to the reference desk, so we are considering offering online live drop-in hours at Musagetes. 

Are any other art, architecture or design libraries doing this? If so, how many hours are you offering per week or day? How are you staffing this? Have you experienced anything unexpected? Any words of advice?

Thanks so much to anyone who responds. I also recommend responding to all of ARLIS-L instead of just emailing me privately. I'm sure I'm not the only academic librarian considering doing something similar.


Evan Schilling, MI, B.Arch, B.E.S

Architecture Librarian

(they/them; he/him)

Musagetes Architecture Library
University of Waterloo School of Architecture

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Library Representative, FAUW Equity Committee

Member, UW Working Group on Gender and Sexual Diversity

Coordinator, ARLIS/NA Critical Librarianship SIG

I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional territory of ýthe Neutral, Anishnaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples who are still under colonial rule. The Musagetes Library, and the University of Waterloo are situated on the Haldimand Tract, which the British granted to the Six Nations in 1784 as compensation for their alliance during the American Revolution and for the loss of their traditional territory. Although it is important to acknowledge the land and broken treaties, we need to each engage in concrete actions, or else acknowledgements are merely token gestures rather than a meaningful practice. We cannot change the past, but we can continue to share in the work of healing and decolonization, respectfully following the leadership of Indigenous communities and leaders.

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