

Dear ARLIS/NA members:

The ARLIS/NA Executive Board is pleased to propose an amendment to article XIV of the society’s bylaws governing chapters. The proposed change will officially give chapters more flexibility in establishing local membership categories as a means of engaging wider audiences.

The proposed amendment specifies that chapters may establish other membership categories that do not require ARLIS/NA membership but states that these chapter membership categories do not entitle such chapter members to the same rights and benefits of ARLIS/NA membership, which include, among others, voting, serving on any committee or holding office at the chapter level, members’ rates for the society’s annual conference registration, and subscriptions to Art Documentation. 

The revised text in section 5 preserves consistency with paragraph II of the chapter affiliation agreement that the terms and conditions of individual membership category in a chapter shall be “ … essentially the same as the terms and conditions of individual membership class in ARLIS/NA and shall be set forth in CHAPTER’s Bylaws.”

In August 2018, the ARLIS/NA Membership Committee proposed instituting a “bundled membership” option that would allow members to combine initial or renewed ARLIS/NA membership with that of a chapter at the same time. By November 2019, all chapters had approved the proposal, and bundled membership became available for the 2020 membership renewal cycle. 

In spring 2019, a review of the status of the chapters’ affiliation agreements revealed that many were either out of date or no longer on file. The executive board therefore approved creation of an updated affiliation agreement and review of documentation relating to chapter membership and governance.

Proposed amendment:
Amendments to the bylaws require approval by two-thirds of those members in good standing casting votes. Please review the current and proposed texts below; revisions appear in bold font. Headquarters will distribute online ballots later this week.

Current version:

Section 5. Membership in a chapter is conditional upon membership in the Society. The Chapters Liaison shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of all chapters. The Canadian Liaison shall also serve as chair of the ARLIS/Canada national chapter. ARLIS/Canada is autonomous of the other Canadian local chapters and has no authority over them.

Proposed amendment:

Section 5. Chapter membership, accompanied by ARLIS/NA membership, entitles such chapter members to the rights and benefits of ARLIS/NA membership, which include, among others, voting, serving on any committee or holding office in ARLIS/NA and at the chapter level, members’ rates for conference registration, and subscriptions to Art Documentation. Chapters may establish other membership categories that do not require ARLIS/NA membership. Such non-ARLIS/NA chapter membership categories would not entitle such chapter members to the rights and benefits of ARLIS/NA membership. The chapters liaison shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of all chapters. The Canadian liaison shall also serve as the chair of the ARLIS/Canada chapter. ARLIS/Canada is autonomous of Canadian local chapters and has no authority over them.

When you receive your ballot this week, please take a moment to consider the amendment and cast your vote before the deadline of June 30, 2020. 


Amy Trendler
President, ARLIS/NA and
Architecture Librarian
University Libraries
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