Hello everyone,

The Museum Library Division will be hosting a topic chat on June 19, 2020, 1pm EDT. The focus of the chat will be on museum library reopenings, budgets, and other considerations during the time of COVID-19. There will be a notes and a recording available for those who are unable to attend.

The chat will be co-moderated by Tony White (Metropolitan Museum of Art) and Lauren Gottlieb Miller (Menil Collection). 

Kathleen Alleman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Museum Library Considerations During COVID-19
Time: 1pm EDT/noon CDT/11am MDT/10am PDT

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 916 436 6122
Password: 5Rhjbt
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Meeting ID: 916 436 6122
Password: 064248
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbOTWYmib6

If you are not part of the Museum Library Division list-serv and would like to be added, follow the instructions located toward the bottom of the ARLIS/NA Museum Library Division website.



Moderator, Museum Library Division (ARLIS/NA)

Assistant Librarian (Dallas Museum of Art)

[log in to unmask] | Office: 214-922-1807

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