In 2004-05 I participated in an online international symposium titled Fake: Why Does it Matter? There were many "expert minds" involved, and you may find some of the authors, moderators, and guest panel interesting to solicit input for your book. Posting it to the list as other ARLIS members might find the papers and comments of value, and I've added other important references that people may not know about.

The Interdisciplines website where the
Art and Cognition symposia took place was lost years ago and the domain name taken by others, but you can still read many of the discussions via the Internet Archive. Glad to have it in nearly the original format, though we don't know how long the Wayback Machine will continue to function.

Authenticity in Art
Denis Dutton

The ontology of forgery
Roger Pouivet

Forgery and Reproduction
Gregory Currie

Replicative forgery
John Zeimbekis

From Original to Copy and Back Again
James Elkins

Summaries of the above, and a list of the Guest Panel with bio links:

Here are archived Art and Cognition
papers and discussions 2002-2003

Ambiguity and intention
David Cohen

The artwork and its creator
Alain Grumbach

Objects and aesthetic attention
Nicolas Bullot

Beauty and the mind: lessons from Kant
John Armstrong

The neurological basis of artistic universals
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

Pictorial composition and emotional

David Freedberg

Art as enaction
Alva Noë

Postural sense and human figure in Renaissance art
francois quiviger

Pictorial language
Avigdor Arikha

The unity of the kind artwork
Roberto Casati

More info on the above, a list of the Guest Panel, and a link to the general discussion are at

2005-2006 series on Pictures in Cognition and Science:

Drawing in the Social Sciences: Lithic Illustration
Dominic Lopes

Dual Recognition of Depth and Dependent Seeing
John Dilworth

Scientific Reasoning, Mental Models, and Depiction
Laura Perini

Any Way You Slice It: The Viewpoint Independence of Pictorial Content
John Kulvicki

Film as Dynamic Event Perception
Heiko Hecht

Cross-Modal Effects in Motion Picture Perception: Toward an Interactive Theory of Film
Mark Rollins

On the nature and perception of depictions
Thomas Stoffregen

Art and Neuroscience
John Hyman

More info on the above and a list of the Guest Panel:

I got involved with this group as an outgrowth of text-e: screens and networks: towards a new relationship with the written word,  a  virtual symposium, published on the web October 2001-March 2002 by Euro-Edu, UNESCO, Institut Nicod and Bibliothèque Centre Pompidou.  This too has disappeared from the Internet, but a substantial part is still available on the Wayback Machine.  It was a trilingual symposium. The French and Italian versions are also archived. This conference was particularly relevant to book arti, book theory, and others who use text and technology. Several later conferences approached the same subject matter apparently without knowledge of text-e.
In 2003 Bibliothèque Centre Pompidou published a print edition of the proceedings with excerpts of the discussions in French, and an English edition was issued by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2005 and 2006. Several libraries with ARLIS members have this, though the cataloging is somewhat messy:

The Internet Archive pages are more comprehensive of the 11 papers and discussions than the printed summary:


On 6/6/2020 11:54 AM, Bill Cole wrote:
[log in to unmask]">

Dear Colleagues,

The proliferation of books, articles, and documentaries about forgeries testifies to considerable
interest on the part of the educated public. But most of these materials are produced by journalists
and filmmakers, and thus they do not afford the opportunity to enter the expert mind.

Accordingly, I have decided to edit a book of which each chapter will be a factual first-person
narrative in which an expert relates an encounter with forged art, manuscripts, or books. Each
narrative will be a nose-to-tail account, delineating everything from the expert’s first contact
with the forged item(s) to the ultimate consequences, with emphasis on what goes on the expert’s

Necessary background information must of course also be supplied, and everything must be
comprehensible to the intelligent and educated reader with no specific training in connoisseurship.
While I envision chapters of approximately 5,000 to 8,000 words, all lengths will be considered.
I conceive this book as a useful guide for those interested in learning about the detection of forgeries,
but it should also be entertaining – even wildly so.

I have a couple of very promising leads concerning publication, but success will ultimately depend
on quality. All revenues, which will probably be scant at best, will of course be divided among all

Interested individuals should write me at [log in to unmask].

Please pass this information along to colleagues who may want to participate.

Best wishes,

Bill Cole

My background:

I am an art and rare book dealer. I have published dozens of articles, reviews, and notes concerning
connoisseurship in Print Quarterly, The Library, Word & Image, The Burlington Magazine, The Art Journal, Art in Print,
Modern Philology, The Book Collector, and many other journals, both scholarly and semi-scholarly. Among my
books are First and Otherwise Notable Editions of Medieval French Texts Printed from 1742 to 1874 (2005), The Juvenilia of
William Kentridge: An Unauthorized Catalogue Raisonné (2016), and A Jack Greenberg Lexicon (2017).

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Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]