[Obligatory apologies for cross-posting!]

The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Image Resources Interest Group (IRIG) is seeking an Incoming Convener/Convener for 2020-2022. 

IRIG positions are dynamic and flexible, and offer involvement with ACRL via collaborative and creative work and leadership. Membership in ACRL is required for this position for the duration of its term. The Incoming Convener will work with the Convener to: 

The 2021 ALA conference will be in Chicago, and I hope to work with the new Incoming Convener to plan an IRIG meeting and possible session at that conference.

There is a virtual orientation for new interest group leaders planned for May, and the new Incoming Convener will assume their responsibilities on July 1, 2020. After a year as Incoming Convener, that individual steps into the role of Convener for 2021-2022. 

Please contact me at [log in to unmask] with questions, and to express your interest in volunteering for the position of IRIG Incoming Convener/Convener for 2020-2022 by April 17. Please put "IRIG Incoming Convener" in the subject line of your email and include some information about your interest in images in academic libraries, any previous involvement with IRIG, and your experience with committee/collaborative work (especially in virtual environments!). Thank you very much for considering this opportunity. I look forward to hearing from you!

Maggie Murphy (she, her, hers)
Assistant Professor
First-Year Writing, Visual Art, and Humanities Librarian
Liaison to History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and the School of Art
University Libraries, UNCG

Member, ACRL Visual Literacy Task Force  


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