Dear colleagues,


I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this time. While we work from home, the Art Information Commons team at the Philadelphia Museum of Art is happy to share with you our newly updated and formatted Environmental Scan. The Environmental Scan is a space to aggregate information, projects, people, tools, and resources that reflect explorations and innovations in information management throughout the cultural heritage community as well as in other commercial sectors. It is an active list to which we will continue to add resources so that we can stay informed and engaged as we move through the Art Information Commons initiative.


We hope this can act as a resource for the larger cultural heritage and information management community.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


For more information on the Art Information Commons, please browse our github site:


Best wishes,




Juliet Vinegra
Project Manager, Art Information Commons

Philadelphia Museum of Art

t 215 684-7508


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