

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share news of the upcoming Symposium, Towards an Open Future<>, hosted by the Graduate Center Library on Friday, 4/24. The keynote speaker is journalist Audrey Watters, and there will be a closing keynote address from artist Walis Johnson of the Red Line Archive Project.

The event also features presentations by Nora Almeida (CityTech), Stefka Tsanova (York College), and artist Andrea Liu<>.

Register now via the following form, and we'll send you a Zoom link closer to the event:<>

Thank you, and kindly register above! Feel free to circulate widely.

Most sincerely,

Elvis Bakaitis

Adjunct Reference Librarian & OER Coordinator

The Graduate Center Library

Time/date: Friday, April 24th   -   1:00pm to 4:30pm, EST

(Feel free to log in any time for the various sessions)

Event Summary: In recent years, there has been increasingly widespread, international attention to "open" in its many forms across the scholarly landscape: open access publishing, open educational resources, open data, and more. Towards an Open Future | 2020 Symposium seeks to put the theoretical framework of "open" in direct conversation with its widespread praxis. We seek to interrogate the terminology and impact of open education, open scholarship, and open pedagogy through a lens that is expansive and inclusive, bringing in considerations of labor, representation, decolonial perspectives, and critical pedagogies.


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