

Dear Colleagues:


The ARLIS/NA Leadership and St. Louis conference planners are looking forward to welcoming you to ARLIS/NA's 48th annual conference in St. Louis, April 20-24, 2020.  As you all know from reading the blog and the email updates, we have planned an educational and engaging program.  


We are extending early bird registration for an additional week until Monday March 23, 2020 and we are extending the date on the cancellation policy if necessary to allow you to change your plans.  We want to give attendees plenty of flexibility to make decisions about conference travel and attendance in light of the situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).   


The health and safety of our conference-goers are of paramount importance. We monitor the CDC and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services reports daily for information about potential public health risks.


We hope that the virus will have minimal impact on our conference.  If the situation changes, we will notify you immediately.


Please feel free to contact us with questions or feedback.


Best, Laura


Laura Schwartz

Arts & Humanities Collection Strategist

Visual Arts Librarian

Subject Librarian for Film Studies

UC San Diego




Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)



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