

Hi everyone!


Please find below the call for proposals for the International Visual Literacy Association.



Dana Statton Thompson, MLIS 
Research and Instruction Librarian & Assistant Professor
Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business

Murray State University
University Libraries
213 Waterfield Library 
Murray, KY 42071
Phone: 270-809-6221 
Email: [log in to unmask]

International Visual Literacy Association, Board Member
ACRL Visual Literacy Taskforce, Member




We invite you to submit a proposal for the 52nd Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association


September 24 to 27, 2020

Toledo, Ohio

Hosted by the University of Toledo and

the Toledo Museum of Art


The conference theme is Seeing Across Disciplines: Visual Literacy and Education. The conference will bring together different theoretical viewpoints and practices on visual literacy, joining scholars, students, and practitioners from all over the world in an interesting exchange of ideas. The conference is open to contributions on new theoretical insights, media, innovative practices, and methodologies on assessment and evaluation. The conference takes place in the Center for Visual Arts at the University of Toledo (Toledo, Ohio). Paper presentations, round tables, panel sessions, poster sessions and Pecha Kucha are invited.           




Located in Northwest Ohio in the US, the Toledo Region abounds in shoreline, including Lake Erie and the wide, scenic Maumee River. Filled with Metroparks and Rustbelt charm, more than 600,000 people call the Toledo Region home. Travel to the city is easy by air using Toledo Express Airport or Detroit Metropolitan Airport (less than an hour away) or by train or bus from Chicago.


The Toledo Museum of Art holds major collections of glass art and of 19th- and 20th-century European and American art, as well as small but distinguished collections of Renaissance, Greek, Roman and Japanese art. Adjacent to the TMA is the University of Toledo Center for the Visual Arts designed by Frank Gehry and hosting the University Art Department. The Museum has been a national leader in promoting the principles of visual literacy in museum education. In a new partnership with The University, the principles of visual literacy are being embedded throughout the university curriculum, making it an ideal venue for Visual Literacy scholars and practitioners in 2020.




Paper Presentation (20 minutes)

A 20-minute presentation, followed by 5 minutes for questions, comments, and discussion.


Panel Session (40 minutes)

Discussion panels are for a specific issue by a group of practitioners, and/or researchers. They are guided by a chairperson, involving three to five panelists with different positions in the topic.


Poster session (60 minutes)

Poster sessions during the coffee break, stimulating networking and exchange of ideas.



A hands-on, interactive opportunity for professional development in a teaching and learning topic or a relevant method.


Pecha Kucha (7 minutes)

Presenters show 20 slides, 20 seconds each. A dynamic and concise way to make a powerful statement.




The IVLA will award several IVLA conference scholarships in 2020 to enable students who lack financial support to have an opportunity to attend the conference. The IVLA will select applicants who are enrolled at a college or university. Individual scholarships will include IVLA membership for two years. Please note that awarded amounts my vary significantly based upon the travel needs of applicants. One of the awards is reserved for a student from a traditionally under-represented group. 




18 years or older

No organizational support or reimbursement to attend the conference

Has not attended the conference in the past three years

Applicants must be full-time graduate or undergraduate students

You will need a Google account to upload documents to the application


To Apply


Complete the online application at:


The review committee will select individuals who demonstrate that they are most likely to leverage the opportunity. They will seek candidates who are eager to learn and plan to apply the skills and knowledge gained to benefit their careers, their organizations, and their communities. New and Non- IVLA members are encouraged to apply. All applicants will be notified of results via email by close of business June 25th, 2020.




The closest major airport is the Detroit International Airport. Approx. 45 min by car. The Toledo Express Airport is a regional airport with daily flights to and from Chicago, IL and Charlotte, NC.




Heidi Appel, Dean Jessup Scott Honors College, University of Toledo

Mike Deetsch, Director of Education and Engagement, Toledo Museum of Art

Dana Statton Thompson, Vice President, IVLA


Applications are due April 1st, 2020; to [log in to unmask]

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