Hello all,

I want to report in from Library Juice Academy. We're here with you running classes as we normally do through the virus crisis. If you're stuck at home, maybe we can be a part of your plan.

We've just added a new session of Embedded Librarianship in Online Courses that you may find useful, as a way of assisting faculty in making the switch. It starts on April 6th.

This brings the total number of classes set to run in April to 20. You can find the list of them, with links to details on each class, here:

To assist, we're giving a 10% discount on all course registrations through the end of this month. You can use the discount code CRISIS10 at checkout if you're paying with a credit card. To apply the discount to a payment by invoice, just mention it when you inquire. The discount can't be combined with other discounts that may be available to you (e.g. as a member of a consortium).

Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to ask you to send me a reply and tell me what you would like to see from us. How can we help? What ideas do you have?

Thanks for staying connected, and hang in there....

Rory Litwin

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