

As many of us are working remotely or otherwise by ourselves for an indeterminate amount of time, I had a bibliographic thought art librarians might find interesting.


During World War II, Bernard Berenson was trapped at his I Tatti villa in Settignano during fascist Italy.  Berenson, an American of Jewish extraction, would have been in trouble had the people of the town not agreed to protect him, provided he did not leave.  Berenson used the year 1942, to read from his extensive library, mostly literature.  His notes of that year of confined reading were published in 1960 as One Year’s Reading for Fun, 1942 (Knopf, 1960).  ARLIS folks might pull this from their library shelves and enjoy what an incredibly voracious reader did during enforced isolation.  Certainly, for each of us, it is different.


Wishing health to all and greatly missing StL,




Lee Sorensen, A.M., A.M.  (he/his)

Librarian for Art, Visual Studies and Dance

Editor, Dictionary of Art Historians

Duke Libraries Copyright Consultant  



Schedule Appointment with Lee   -  New books on art at Duke Libraries 

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