

Hello ARLISians!

The volunteers with ArLiSNAP are excited to share some updates with the whole community to help students and new professionals connect with ARLIS/NA. 

New Biweekly Email Digest

In the fall we launched a biweekly email digest (called Oh Snap!) for students and new professionals through our listserv to help folks stay informed of any announcements posted on our blog in the previous two weeks. Any announcements relevant for students interested in art librarianship and new professionals can be sent to [log in to unmask], and we’ll connect you to the volunteer who can help. 

New Logo Design

Thank you to everyone who voted on the foundation for our design in November! We’re excited to share the final result, which is a new ArLiSNAP logo that harkens back to the old design. You can check it out on our blog:


With all the excitement for St. Louis registration opening, we wanted to highlight that ArLiSNAP will be hosting a number of events at the conference for students and new professionals! Be sure to find us at our CV Review table, SIG Lighting Round and Networking Session, and our Career Development Panel this year.

We have more exciting initiatives in the works - so stay tuned for more ArLiSNAP updates this spring! 


Michele Jennings & Alex O’Keefe
ArLiSNAP Co-Moderators 

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Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]