

Dear Colleagues,

The ARLIS/NA Southern California Chapter is pleased to announce that the travel award applications are open for the 48th annual ARLIS/NA conference, to be held in Saint Louis, Missouri, April 20-24, 2020. Application deadline for both travel awards is Friday, February 28, 2020. Recipients for the awards will be notified Friday, March 13, 2020. I highly encourage you to apply for an award whether you are just starting out in the profession or are mid-career and having a difficult time securing professional development funding due to other commitments.

Two travel awards are sponsored each year by the Southern California chapter:

1.       ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Student Travel Award: $550

2.       ARLIS/Southern California Chapter Judith A. Hoffberg Travel Award: $450

1 - ARLIS/Southern California chapter Student Travel Award ($550)

The Student Travel Award supports and encourages student involvement in ARLIS/NA activities by helping to defray the costs of attending the ARLIS/NA annual conference. The student travel award supports and encourages student involvement with ARLIS/NA and the SoCal Chapter, $550 will be granted to the award recipient.


Membership: Applicants must be members in good standing of both ARLIS/NA and the Southern California Chapter.

Financial need: Only applicants who receive partial or no institutional funds towards conference attendance will be considered. Eligible applicants include students registered in ALA accredited MLIS programs.

Selection will be weighted toward those applicants who best fulfill the following guidelines:

*         Are attending the ARLIS/NA annual conference for the first time, and/or;

*         Are actively participating in the conference in such roles as speaker, moderator, recorder, workshop attendee, etc.

Conditions of the award:

*         Award winner must commit to attending the Chapter meeting at the conference.

*         Award winner must submit a written conference report for publication in Canvas, the Chapter newsletter. This report will include an account of the recipient's personal conference experiences and how the award contributed to his/her professional development.

*         Winners must confirm in writing that they are able to meet the requirements of conference attendance.

To apply for the award:

*         Submit a letter of application that briefly outlines your reasons for attending the conference as well as a short biographical statement listing your employment history, educational background, professional activities, and how much funding you may be receiving from your institution (if any).

*         Please limit application letters to two pages and specify in your email for which award you are applying.

*         Please email your letter of application with the subject line 'ARLIS NA So/Cal Travel Award Application' to the Travel Committee chair, Jennie Freeburg, at  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

2 - ARLIS/Southern California chapter Judith A. Hoffberg Travel Award: $450.00

This award honors the Chapter's founder Judith A. Hoffberg (1934-2009), $450 will be granted to the award recipient.


Membership: Applicants must be members in good standing of both ARLIS/NA and the Southern California Chapter.

Financial need: Only applicants who receive partial or no institutional funds towards conference attendance will be considered. Eligible applicants can include current board members.

Selection will be weighted toward those applicants who best fulfill the following guidelines:

*         Are attending the ARLIS/NA annual conference for the first time, and/or;

*         Are actively participating in the conference in such roles as speaker, moderator, recorder, workshop attendee, etc.

Conditions of the award:

*         Award winner must commit to some level of conference participation such as workshop attendee, speaker, recorder, hospitality desk volunteer, etc.

*         Award winners must submit a written conference report for publication in Canvas, the Chapter newsletter.  This report will include an account of the recipient's personal conference experiences and how the award contributed to his/her professional development.

*         Winners must confirm in writing that they are able to meet the requirements of conference attendance.

To apply for the award:

*         Submit a letter of application that briefly outlines your reasons for attending the conference as well as a short biographical statement listing your employment history, educational background, professional activities, and how much funding you may be receiving from your institution (if any).

*         Please limit application letters to two pages and specify in your email for which award you are applying.

*         Please email your letter of application with the subject line 'ARLIS NA So/Cal Travel Award Application' to the Travel Award Committee chair, Jennie Freeburg, at  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

~Application deadline for both travel awards: Friday, February 28, 2020.

~Recipients for both travel awards  will be notified by Friday, March 13th, 2020.

ARLIS/NA SoCal Travel Awards Committee Members

Jennie Freeburg (Chair)

Raphael Sasayama

Jenna Dufour

Dianne Weinthal

Jenna Dufour (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect)
ARLIS NA, Southern California Chapter

Jenna Dufour
Research Librarian for Visual Arts
University of California, Irvine
949-824-6672 [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Stay Connected via Instagram! Follow: artlibrarian_uci

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