

Dear Colleagues, 


The Conference Planning Committee is excited to announce that registration is now open for the ARLIS/NA 2020, 48th Annual Conference in St. Louis!   


The conference will take place April 20-24, 2020 in St. Louis, Missouri. The theme Preserve, Enhance, Reimagine will highlight how ARLIS/NA professionals use, reflect and build upon our core values and practices to inform our future.  


ž       Registration

ž       Hotel booking link  

ž       Program

ž       Conference website

ž       Conference blog 

ž       RSVP via Facebook


If you have any problems registering, please contact ARLIS/NA Headquarters:

Nancy Short, Executive Director
+1 800-817-0621 ext. 136
[log in to unmask]

 * Chase Park Plaza Royal Sonesta Hotel - We encourage you to book early, as there are a limited number of suites at the same rate as standard rooms. The discounted ARLIS/NA rate is available to conference attendees 3 days pre-conference and 3 days post conference (based on availability). If you wish to take advantage of a few extra days in St. Louis at the group rate, make your conference hotel reservation online first (April 19-24, 2020). Once you’ve received your confirmation number, call the reservations department at the hotel (314-633-3000), give them your confirmation number and ask the agent to add the extra days on to your stay.  You will also want to reference the ARLIS/NA Book Code – 0419ALSNA


We look forward to meeting you in St. Louis!  


Questions? Contact the Conference Co-chairs: 


Jennifer Akins, Local Arrangements, [log in to unmask] 

Andrea Degener, Local Arrangements, [log in to unmask] 

Skye Lacerte, Program, [log in to unmask] 

Rina Vecchiola, Program, [log in to unmask] 




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Jennifer Akins, MLS (she/her)

Subject Librarian for Art & Architecture

Kranzberg Art & Architecture Library | Washington University in St. Louis | 314-935-4377

Research Guides Make an appointment with Jenny



Local Arrangements Co-Chair, ARLIS/NA 2020 Conference


Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]