


From: Therese Nolan-Brown [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, 22 January 2020 2:32 PM
To: Therese Nolan-Brown
Subject: Call for proposals - ARLIS-ANZ Conference 2020



Call for proposals, papers, posters and presentations


ARLIS-ANZ  BIENNIAL CONFERENCE  and Artists' Book Fair @ State Library of Queensland, 11-14 November 2020


“Re-imagining the material: artists' books, printed matters, digital transformations and engagement”


The ARLIS 2020 Conference committee welcomes proposals which explore or present ways of re-imagining material collections, archives, original materials, posters and associated activities through digital applications and interactive translation in the following contexts,

including but not limited to:


          >Artists’ books, print collections: digital translation, adaption or enabling discovery of material culture in Libraries ...share recent projects, new tools, platforms, methods

>Library exhibitions: imaginative presentation models- filmic narratives, interactive media, augmented /virtual reality or interesting curatorial collaborations and themes. 

>Digital exhibitions: re-presenting art library collections, archives, original materials for online engagement

>Library based artist-in-residence programs which use or highlight material collections    

>Innovative engagement with communities: enabling discovery of materials, projects and education programs

Proposal Guidelines and key dates 

Use this form to Send proposals 

DEADLINE 28 February 2020

We look forward to your proposals

             More information or suggestions please contact the ARLIS-ANZ Executive Committee Chair Therese Nolan-Brown [log in to unmask] / 0417998902





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