

Hi everyone,

I'm editing a new collection of essays on the intersection of art, librarianship, and social justice. I'm looking for book chapters that address this intersection in interesting or unexpected ways.  Here's more information about the book:

What roles do libraries play in supporting artistic expression? For librarian-artists, how does artistic practice influence their work as librarians and vice versa? And how does social justice (feminism is one aspect of this) intersect with both artistic practice and librarianship? This edited collection will consist of chapters by librarians who work as artists as well as those who work extensively with artists or arts practitioners. They will discuss the intersection of their work as librarians with their artistic practice, including the role that social justice, with an emphasis on feminism, plays in both arenas and the significance of the arts in contentious times.

I am the sole editor of the book, and I have a contract with Litwin Books. I already have several chapters but am looking for more, especially chapters that address some aspect of librarianship.

If you have questions or are interested, please email me at [log in to unmask] with a brief paragraph and short bio.


Nina Clements

English Humanities & User Services Librarian

University of Wisconsin-Madison

past-chair of the ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section

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