

Introduction to Design Thinking

Instructor: Carli Spina
Dates: February 3rd through March 1st, 2020
Credits: 1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs
Price: $175

Though the word design may readily bring to mind an image of architecture
or graphic design, it is much broader than that. Design impacts virtually
all aspects of library work from space design to service design to
curriculum design. But, how do you ensure that your design is successful?
Design Thinking is an approach to tackling problems and developing
creative, user-centered solutions. This course will walk participants
through the theory behind this process and offer a chance to gain hands-on
experience with each step in the Design Thinking cycle. Participants will
learn how libraries have found success through Design Thinking and
techniques for bringing Design Thinking to any type of library.

At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Define Design Thinking and understand each of the steps in the process
- Understand how Design Thinking has been applied in a range of library
- Apply the steps of the Design Thinking process
- Build prototypes
- Ideate and develop ideas, including as part of a group

This course can be taken as one of six courses needed to earn our
Certificate in User Experience (UX), but can be taken as a stand-alone
course as well.

Carli Spina is an associate professor and the Head of Research &
Instructional Services at the library at SUNY's Fashion Institute of
Technology. Previously, she was the Head Librarian, Assessment and Outreach
at the Boston College Libraries. Carli holds a J.D. from the University of
Chicago Law School, an MLIS from Simmons GSLIS, and an M.Ed. from the
Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has extensive experience working
on user experience, web design, and technology projects as well as serving
as a coordinator for services to patrons with disabilities. She is a member
of LITA's Bylaws and Organization Committee. She was also the inaugural
chair of LITA's Diversity and Inclusion Committee and the leader of the
ASCLA Library Services to People with Visual or Physical Disabilities that
Prevent Them from Reading Standard Print Interest Group. She teaches
classes and workshops for librarians, academic staff, and students on a
range of topics, including accessibility, user experience, and web design.

This is an online class that is taught asynchronously, meaning that
participants do the work on their own time as their schedules allow. The
class does not meet together at any particular times, although the
instructor may set up optional sychronous chat sessions. Instruction
includes readings and assignments in one-week segments. Class participation
is in an online forum environment.

You can register for any of our courses through the first week of
instruction (as long as the course is not full). The "Register" button on
the website goes to our credit card payment gateway, which may be used with
personal or institutional credit cards. (Be sure to use the appropriate
billing address). If your institution wants us to send a billing statement
or wants to pay using a purchase order, please contact us by email to make
arrangements: [log in to unmask]

For a list of all of the courses being offered next month, please go to:

Library Juice Academy
P.O. Box 188784
Sacramento, CA 95818
Tel. (916) 905-0291
Fax (916) 415-5446

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