

Hello ARLISians, 

It's a busy day for the ArLiSNAP Co-Moderators - along with our call for a new volunteer (hopefully you saw that email earlier), we're also inviting the ARLIS/NA community to vote on a new ArLiSNAP design!  We're asking you to help us decide which design should be the new foundation for our logo. Once chosen, we will determine the final presentation (colors, text placement, font, etc.).  We hope you will enjoy the final version we come up with (which will be shared in January 2020).


A little background on this project: In preparing for the 2019 ARLIS/NA conference in St. Louis, we realized we don't have a high resolution or vector version of our current logo (which can be seen on our homepage: This sparked deeper discussions among the volunteers about ArLiSNAP's identity. Through this, ArLiSNAP decided to pursue a larger rebranding initiative that starts with this logo change. If you have any questions or comments, please email [log in to unmask].

Vote here:  

Voting shouldn't take much time, and closes December 1, 2019.

Thank you for participating!




Michele Jennings
ArLiSNAP 2018-2020 Co-Moderator
Art Librarian
Frederick and Kazuko Harris Fine Arts Library, Ohio University Libraries
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Alex O’Keefe
ArLiSNAP 2019-2021 Co-Moderator
Arts Digital Projects Librarian
Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, Yale University

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Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]