

Dear Colleagues:
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the Gerd Muehsam Award<> and the Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award<> is less than a month away! The deadline for both awards is December 9th, 2019, but we hope that eligible students will submit their internship applications<> and student papers<> related to arts librarianship or visual resources as soon as possible. Please visit the individual awards websites for more information.
In addition to applications and papers related to art librarianship, submissions related to museum, academic, studio, and related specialties are welcome. If you would like to receive a copy of our 8.5 x 11 promotional flyer in PDF to share or post at your institution, please reach out.  If there are any questions, do let me know.
Courtenay McLeland, on behalf of Student Advancement Award Subcommittee members Jade Finlinson, Stephanie Fletcher, Spyros Koulouris, Gwen Mayhew, Becca Pad, and Karly Wildenhaus

Courtenay McLeland
Chair, Student Advancement Awards Subcommittee
Head of Digital Projects and Preservation
Thomas G. Carpenter Library
University of North Florida
(904) 620-5550
she, her, hers

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