Thanks so much to everyone who was able to help with finding the "Arhitectura" journal. I was given links to three websites that have a lot of the issues. It's not clear if these are all the issues that were published or not, but my grad student is thrilled by this access. If we had not been able to find anything, he'd have had to wait until he can go back to Romania next summer in order to continue his research. These are the sites:

It's not the first time my ARLIS/NA colleagues have come through and I am so very grateful for your knowledge and help.

Karen Bouchard
Brown University 


Karen A. Bouchard
Arts & Humanities Librarian
Rockefeller Library, Box A
10 Prospect Street
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912  USA

Phone: (401) 863-3218

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Images at Brown blog latest entry.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. Cicero. Epistulae ad Familiares, book IX, epistle 4.

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