

I am trying to help a grad student who needs to look through issues of the
Romanian architecture journal "Arhitectura," published from 1906-1944.

I've been trying to determine if there are any libraries in the US that
hold this journal. In Worldcat, I've only found records for Romania and

There are later journals with this same title, but he specifically needs
the version that was published from 1906-1944.

I haven't found it digitized online anywhere.

Can anyone offer any leads?

Karen Bouchard
Brown University

Karen A. Bouchard
Arts & Humanities Librarian
Rockefeller Library, Box A
10 Prospect Street
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912  USA

Phone: (401) 863-3218

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Images at Brown blog latest entry.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
Cicero. *Epistulae
ad Familiares*, book IX, epistle 4.

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