

Dear colleagues,


I am thrilled to share reports from the ARLIS/NA 2019 Venice study tour, June 10 – 16, with Society members.


I invite each of you to please take a moment to read the International Relations Venice study tour report, written and compiled by study tour co-leader, Spyros Koulouris, complete with the itinerary’s details and beautiful images of the site visits. Chantal Sulkow, 2019 recipient of the International Relations study tour scholarship, has also contributed a lovely, detailed blog report available on ARLIS/NA News and Events or on past study tour reports.


You may also enjoy more images, contributed by participants, of the 2019 study tour on the Flickr group.


Please join me in congratulating study tour co-leaders, Spyros Koulouris and Isotta Poggi; past IRC chair, Debbie Kempe; and Chantal Sulkow for their immense effort and dedication to another groundbreaking ARLIS/NA study tour. You may also view the itinerary as well as the symposium program, Building Bridges, on June 14. The symposium enabled ARLIS/NA members and Italian colleagues a unique opportunity to present and represent their libraries and archives in an international exchange.


Warm regards,



Beverly Mitchell

Assistant Director

Art & Dance Librarian

Curator, Hawn Gallery

Hamon Arts Library | 214-768-2796


Chair, International Relations Committee, 2019-20


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