

Dear colleagues,

I am thrilled to share reports from the ARLIS/NA 2019 Venice study tour, June 10 – 16, with Society members.

I invite each of you to please take a moment to read the International Relations Venice study tour report<>, written and compiled by study tour co-leader, Spyros Koulouris, complete with the itinerary’s details and beautiful images of the site visits. Chantal Sulkow, 2019 recipient<> of the International Relations study tour scholarship, has also contributed a lovely, detailed blog report<> available on ARLIS/NA News and Events<> or on past study tour reports<>.

You may also enjoy more images, contributed by participants, of the 2019 study tour on the Flickr group<>.

Please join me in congratulating study tour co-leaders, Spyros Koulouris and Isotta Poggi; past IRC chair, Debbie Kempe; and Chantal Sulkow for their immense effort and dedication to another groundbreaking ARLIS/NA study tour. You may also view the itinerary<> as well as the symposium program, Building Bridges<>, on June 14. The symposium enabled ARLIS/NA members and Italian colleagues a unique opportunity to present and represent their libraries and archives in an international exchange.

Warm regards,

Beverly Mitchell
Assistant Director
Art & Dance Librarian
Curator, Hawn Gallery
Hamon Arts Library | 214-768-2796

Chair, International Relations Committee, 2019-20

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