

Please share the following with students, faculty and information professional colleagues:


Applications for the 2020 Getty Library Research Grants are now available online at


The application deadline is October 15, 2019.


 Getty Library Research Grants provide partial, short-term support to researchers of all nationalities whose projects demonstrate a compelling need to use Getty Research Institute materials, and whose place of residence is more than 80 miles from the Getty Center in Los Angeles.


In addition to the open call for applications relating to projects utilizing any specific area of the GRI's collections, several focused grants will be awarded in the following areas of study:


Specialized topics:

--Research on intersections between art and science

--Research on connections between visual art forms and music

--Research considering the visual culture of food, including culinary history, and the preparation and presentation of food

--Research that utilizes the Conservation Collection, specialized research materials related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.


Special opportunities for advanced undergraduates: 

--Opportunities specifically for advanced undergraduates majoring in art history, architectural history, or studio art, to conduct research in the GRI's special collections and library.


Please contact GRI Library Reference with any questions:

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Kathleen Salomon

Associate Director

Chief Librarian 

The Getty Research Institute

1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100

Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688




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