

Thank you to the ARLIS/NA PDC-Education Subcommittee and Carol Ng-He, who is also a Diversity Committee member and our ARLIS/NA liaison to ALA's Office of Diversity. Aligning with ARLIS/NA's Core Values and Strategic Directions, which were revised in 2016 to reflect a commitment to diversity and inclusion, there are a number of initiatives in the works on these important issues. Particularly relevant to this upcoming Twitter chat, the Executive Board is looking into ways to create a grant program in support of diversifying the field of art librarianship, based on both prior and current work by the Development and Diversity Committees and the Diversity Planning Grant Task Force (chaired by my Board predecessor Stacy Brinkman).

Stay tuned for updates on this work, and if you haven't already seen it, please read the Diversity Committee's recently-updated charge:

We're inspired by the energy around making art librarianship more representative of the diverse people we serve.

Lindsay King
ARLIS/NA Advancement Liaison

Associate Director for Access and Research Services
Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, Yale University

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