

Dear ARLIS/NA and AMIA colleagues,

I'm forwarding the following from the AIC listserv. It is really valuable for senators to hear from constituents across the country in support of the NEA and NEH being fully funded. This is a bi-partisan issue that has the potential to impact rural and metropolitan communities alike as we work towards more equitable cultural institutions.

Please consider writing in support! The message below has a link to an auto-filled letter of support, or you can contact them directly by following the links on the U.S. Senate website.

Forwarded message:

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee recommended $157 million ( each) for both National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for FY 2020. While this is a $2 million increase from the current FY 2019 number, it is $10.5 million less than what the U.S. House approved in May - $167.5 million. The $157 million number has advanced to the full U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee and it will be voted on as early as tomorrow – Sept. 26 by that full committee. 

Since the funding levels being approved by the U.S. Senate are different than the U.S. House, they will have to be reconciled in a conference later this year. Happily, both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House numbers were reached with bipartisan support, which may be advantageous in the final conference negotiations.

Will you take action now and contact your U.S. Senators? Take two minutes now to request that the higher number approved by the U.S. House - $167.5 million is also adopted by the U.S. Senate. 

Take action and contact your U.S. Senators today!

Ruth Seyler
Meetings & Advocacy Director
American Institute for Conservation/Foundation for Advancement in Conservation
Washington DC
(202) 661-8062


Amye McCarther


(212) 219-1222 x325

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