

Greetings ARLIS/NA members! And welcome to the first Vice President's message. As Vice President/President-Elect I am the board liaison to the divisions, sections, and special interest groups in ARLIS/NA, which gives me a front row seat for the projects, events, and activities these groups undertake throughout the year. I'd like to share some of what the groups are doing and encourage all ARLIS/NA members to join in. Joining a division, section, or SIG is a great way to get involved in ARLIS/NA and there are many opportunities to participate. For example:

*         The ArLiSNAP (Art Library Students and New ARLIS Professionals) Section is hosting a Fall Virtual Conference along with VREPS (Visual Resources Emerging Professionals and Students) on October 26, 2019. The theme is "Accessing the Arts: Trends, Innovations, and Challenges for the Information Professional," and you can register for this event for free at<>.

*         The Art and Design School Division is working on a report on the State of Art & Design School Libraries that will include a survey of librarians in art and design school libraries and case studies. Look for the survey later this fall and a discussion panel on the completed report at next year's ARLIS/NA conference in St. Louis.

*         The Research & Information Services Section (RISS) has just started a project to create an index to Open Educational Resources (OER) for art. They will be asking ARLIS/NA members to send in information about OERs that they would like to suggest for the index soon, so watch ARLIS-l for more on this project.

*         The Exhibitions SIG is starting an online book club featuring books related to curating and exhibitions. Look for more on how to participate in these book discussions soon.

*         Members of the LGBTQ and Critical Librarianship SIGs are hosting a workshop at next year's ARLIS/NA conference in St. Louis in 2020 that will build on the panel session the SIGs organized at the 2019 conference. Look for "Find Yourself: Developing a Professional Identity in Art Librarianship" on the list of workshops when the conference program comes out later this year.

These are just a few of the activities underway! I will plan to highlight more from the divisions, sections, and SIGs in the future. If you have a project you'd like to suggest or there's one that you want to hear more about, don't hesitate to be in touch.

Amy Trendler
Vice President, ARLIS/NA and
Architecture Librarian
University Libraries
Ball State University       765-285-5858
Muncie, IN 47306         [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The University Libraries provide services that
support student pursuits for academic success
and faculty endeavors for knowledge creation
and classroom instruction.

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