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For the spring 2017 issue of the _Trans Asia Photography Review_, we are
seeking projects which explore the TECHNOLOGIES of photographic image
making and distribution in all regions of Asia. Our interests include
early and more recent printing processes, cameras and camera-less
images, contemporary social media (including the use of "selfies"), as
well as earlier methods of image circulation; in short, the materials,
instruments, forms, methods, media, and networks that make possible the
production and reception of photographic work. We seek work on
technologies utilized in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, in East
Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, West Asia, and Central Asia. In all
cases we are especially interested in the cultural, social and political
implications of the technologies under consideration.
PROPOSAL DEADLINE: OCTOBER 1, 2016. Notification of proposal acceptance
by October 15, 2016. Accepted proposals must then be completed by
December 15, 2016; full peer review and final decisions regarding
publication will follow.
In addition to seeking work specifically related to the TECHNOLOGIES
theme, the _TAP Review_ maintains an ongoing "open call" for submissions
on all other topics relating to photography in Asia.
Proposals may be for ARTICLES (length open), CURATORIAL PROJECTS (10-15
images with brief text), TRANSLATIONS (from Asian languages into
English), INTERVIEWS, or BOOK/EXHIBITION REVIEWS (exhibitions must have
a catalog). Please send proposal with accompanying CV to
[log in to unmask] 

Questions? Contact [log in to unmask] 

The _Trans Asia Photography Review _ [1]is an open-access peer-reviewed
online journal published by Hampshire College in collaboration with the
University of Michigan Library with funding from the Five College

Sandra Matthews
Editor, Trans-Asia Photography Review 



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