Hello ARLIS Wisdom.


Others have suggested I share responses to my query about image meta-search engines that search across multiple image collections from German museums, or the like.


Here is what I have received thus far. Thank you Debbie Kempe, Ruth Thomas and Amelia Nelson.



·         Bildarchiv Foto Marburg: Bildarchiv zur Kunst und Architectur in Deutschland Foto Archiv (Germany)


·         For museum libraries: artlibraries.net includes the online library catalogs of many German museums. Limit by country by going to http://artlibraries.net/index_en.php?sort=az


·         Europeana: Refine search by provider or country


·         Gemälde in Museen - Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz: Katalog der ausgestellten und depotgelagerten Werke.  (Online version of the index). http://www.degruyter.com/view/db/gim?rskey=sG6HHz&result=1&q. This is a subscription database.



And here is one of my own.


·         Google Art Project: Limit by Collection “Germany” http://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/project/art-project?hl=en#!collections:projectId=art-project&hl=en&q=germany


Any other ideas?


Margaret Ericson, Arts Librarian, Colby College

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