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Hello Brynne,
The E.J. Pratt Library at the University of Toronto has the New York Herald Tribune in paper format from 1926-1966. Here is the catalogue record for it: 
If you request an article from the University of Toronto through interlibrary loan, they will photocopy it, and have it mailed to your institution. I hope this helps.
Effie Patelos, MI, BArch, BES
Acting Librarian
Shore + Moffat Library
John H. Daniels
Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design
University of Toronto
230 College Street
Toronto, ON M5T 1R2
T: 416.978.6787

Vice-Chair 2013, ARLIS/NA Ontario Chapter


On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Brynne Norton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hello Collective Wisdom,

I have a faculty member who is trying to locate a source for Mies van der Rohe saying "Less is more."

The closest we could track down was this citation, but so far we have had no luck through interlibrary loan. Does anyone have this? Or does anyone have any other tips for where to find the original source for this quote? I've looked through a lot of quotation dictionaries, google books and google and am a bit stumped.

On Restraint in Design

New York herald tribune.

June 28, 1959

Brynne Norton
Public Services Librarian
Philadelphia University
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Mail submissions to [log in to unmask] For information about joining ARLIS/NA see: Send administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc) to [log in to unmask] ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance: Questions may be addressed to list owner (Judy Dyki) at: [log in to unmask]