

Spotlight on Our Vendors

For an enjoyable and productive experience at the ARLIS/NA conference,
schedule some time to wander through the vendor's exhibit tables - take in
the colorful new publications, thrill at the inventive artists' books, and
experiment with the latest software. Here I have listed my top ten reasons
to visit our vendors. I'm sure I've missed some, so please add your own
reasons by commenting on the conference blog

If you are an ARLIS/NA conference newby - don't despair! Whether you are new
to ARLIS/NA or if you have not had a chance in the past to meet our vendors,
you can sign up to be matched with a member who will tour the Exhibitor's
Hall with you, and personally introduce you to our exhibitors. We are also
looking for experienced members that know and interact with our vendors
regularly, who wish to be guides to the Exhibitors Hall. You can sign up for
the program here: Meet the Exhibitors Program Form

Top 10 Reason To Visit our Vendors at the ARLIS/NA Conference

 1.  Vendors are good-natured people who love what they do
 2.  Visiting them gives us a chance to tell them how much we appreciate conference awards, food, sessions, etc. that they sponsor
 3.  They bring amazing things for us to see and touch
 4.  They tell interesting stories
 5.  We don't have to worry about missing any of the other conference events because there are no-conflict times to visit the vendors (see below)
 6.  Vendors understand librarians
 7.  They help us discover things we might not otherwise find
 8.  They offer exceptional wisdom and advice
 9.  They give us free stuff like book bags and Hershey kisses
 10. They came a long way to see us

Mark your calendars for the The Exhibits Grand Opening & Reception Sat,
April 18th from 10:30am - 1:00pm

And don't forget to stop by during the No Conflict Times to Visit the

 *   Saturday, April 18th from 10:30am - 12:30pm
 *   Sunday, April 19th from 9:30 - 11:00am

To see a complete list of all of the events visit

Best regards,

Rebecca Price and Annette Haines Conference Publicity

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