Dear ARLIS/DC-MD-VA Chapter Members,

The deadline for the 2009  Caroline Backlund Professional Development Award for conference travel has been extended to 11:59 PM on Wednesday, March 4.  Applying is quick and easy!  More information about the award follows.

Best regards,
Karen O'Connell
Chapter Chair

ARLIS/DC-Maryland-Virginia Chapter
2009 Caroline Backlund Professional Development Award
ARLIS/DC-MD-VA will present a professional development award of $500.00 to a chapter member to attend the 2009 Annual ARLIS/NA Conference in Indianapolis.  This award is intended to help members become more involved in ARLIS/NA at the national level.
An award applicant must have been a member of ARLIS/NA for at least one year, and must be a current, dues-paying member of ARLIS/DC-MD-VA and ARLIS/NA.  All ARLIS/DC-MD-VA members who meet the above criteria are eligible for the award.  This includes those who have never attended the national conference, and those who will be participating in the conference as speakers; as session/program moderators, as moderators of a section, division or roundtable; or who will be serving on committees.
The winner will submit a brief written report to the chapter's Award Committee after the conference, and will be welcome to make a report to the chapter membership at a chapter meeting (or through a posting on the chapter web site).
Deadline & process
Applying is quick and easy. Each applicant for the award should submit
(1) a letter of 250-500 words describing his or her participation in the conference (if applicable), the benefits anticipated from conference attendance, and a description of all travel funding expected from the applicant's institution or other sources; 
(2)  a current résumé or CV, not to exceed two pages. 
Please submit applications for the 2009 Caroline Backlund Professional Development Award Committee Chair, Sally Sims Stokes, at [log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask] To help ensure receipt, please also cc [log in to unmask].

Time-stamp deadline for applications is 11:59 p.m.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2009.

Good luck to all applicants!

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