

Greetings all,
I'm helping a faculty and grad student at SAIC who are working to gather a current list of all faculty in art history departments at colleges both US and international. They're trying to come up a list of contacts. It's rather a daunting chore and I wondered if any of you have favorite resources I could pass on to them.  One's we've currently found/used are:

CAA's Directory of m.a. and ph.d programs in art and art history (1999--new edition forthcoming in 2008)

Nationals Association of Schools of Art History and Design Directory 2005.

The student/faculty realizes that they will have to lookup/contact all the departments to gather the individual contact information once they determine which schools/programs to contact. They are working with CAA to share information, I believe, but they need to come up with their data in order to trade with CAA.

All thoughts are welcome!

Holly Stec Dankert
Head of Readers' Services

John M. Flaxman Library    The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
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