

Minutes - Cataloger's Discussion Group Meeting - - The Frick Collection
/ Frick Art Reference Library, Oct. 18, 2007
Speakers from the Metropolitan Museum of Art : Min Xu, Cataloger at
Watson Library discussing "CJK" (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) cataloging
and authorities workflow, and Ross Day, head of Goldwater Library, Dept.
of Arts of Africa, Oceana & Americas, discussing the history of
authority work at the museum. Session coordinated and introduced by
Tamara Fultz, Chair of the MMA Authorities Committee and liaison with
Mark Bresnan, Head Bibliographic Records, Frick Art Reference Library,
opened the meeting of 26 attendees, and welcomed the speakers. He also
announced the NYTSL Fall dinner / program for November 9th.
         Min Xu: demonstration of CJK cataloging authority workflow on
OCLC Connexion, having begun to use early in 2007, migrating from
RLIN21. Uses ISBN search or 'browse WorldCat' in either Romanized or
vernacular CJK characters. The record provides double fields for two
scripts, for copy cataloging. For original cataloging, one can search
under common fields to build a new record (e.g. publisher, subject).
Credit given for original cataloging; 066 field will generate once
record is entered.
         Use of "text strings" for description in the text of the
record. Connexion is better for CJK work than Millennium, but either can
be used. There also is a CJK dictionary in Connexion.
         Chinese Name Authority File is found under 'Authorities' -->
search. It shows Chinese script with romanized entries. Can copy & paste
entries to the original record.
         Edit --> reformat to automatically pair and link paired fields
in 246 and 250. Also, edit --> linking fields, as in 245 and 246 fields.
Icon 'R' also = reformat. Then, validate record --> red highlights if
there is an error. Green if correct.
         Go to 'Action' --> 'Holdings' --> export record if complete.
Can save in local file, if not completed. The MMA will not be adding
institution records to WorldCat.
         Ross Day: Historically MMA authority records were edited
locally, sometimes without agreement to LC authority. There were often
variable forms of names in records at the Met. After Recon, multiple
authority headings were discovered requiring clean-up. Batch headings
revision proved difficult.
Now there is an Authorities Committee at the Met, composed of original
catalogers. Priority in authority work is given to personal names
associated with the Met. publications, names requiring cross-references,
and artists' names. Copy catalogers do not pass on records needing
authority work to members of the Authority Committee. 
         Watson Library staff members Meg Black and Ken Dinin produced a
"Guide for the Creation of Authority Records on OCLC Connexion Client
2.0" (July 24, 2007).  Connexion is used for creation of authorities.
Records are saved in an online save file, which is a list of authority
records in progress. Each contributor's headings are reviewed in-house
by another contributor. One cannot control headings in institutional
records. Newly created records will upload in a month or two. 
Database is sent out periodically to LTI (a vendor for authority
control) which updates headings and generates lists of unmatched
headings in bib records. 
Discussion ensued over whether to use local save file or online save
file, for institution's own review.
         Individual statistics not kept at Met., but total are listed by
authorization number under "OCLC Usage Statistics" in monthly, weekly,
and daily lists. An overall chart is produced.    
Amy Schwarz, Cataloging Dept.
Frick Art Reference Library

Amy Schwarz   [log in to unmask]
Frick Art Reference Library
10 E. 71st Street, NYC 10021 USA
(212) 547-0659

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