This person below needs some leads—does anyone on the list know what she is talking about?

I saw an art program on TV (may have been cable) with artists that were primarily in Arizona in the 1950-1960s. I believe the name of the
art movement was Transpersonal or Trans-spiritual. One last name may have been "Wade" or something with a "W". I am having difficulty
finding out about this art movement. Web searches yield Trans-personal Psychology and not specifically artists who lived in Arizona.

It was late at night and I was barely awake so I do not recall what program I happened upon. Do you know of an impressionist-like modern
movement in
Arizona that had a spiritual-inspired theme? Paintings may have been watercolor and were abstract expressions.

Thanks in advance for any information and leads.

Katherine Cramer
[log in to unmask]
510 531-5604 in
Oakland, CA



Miguel Juarez, Assistant Librarian

(Art, Art Education, Art History & Photography)

Fine Arts Library

Center for Creative Photography Library

University of Arizona Library

Office: Music 231B

P.O. Box 210103, Tucson, AZ  85721-0103

VOICE: (520) 626-9434/FAX: (520) 626-1630

E-mail: [log in to unmask].edu


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