>Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 21:19:57 -0700
>From: Brooke Sheldon <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Great News from Arizona!
>Greetings Colleagues!
>I am elated to report that the School of Information Resources, University
>of Arizona hasbeen removed from the "proposed elimination list" As you
>know, SIRLS was one of 16 programs in the University proposed for
>elimination in the wake of major budget cuts last January. SIRLS prepared
>a comprehensive business plan that describes the means for SIRLS to
>achieve a measure of self-sufficiency. That plan, together with sustained
>and vocal support from alumni, employers, students, colleagues and
>organizations around the country led the President and Provost to issue
>the following statement:"The Masters Program is the largest in the
>College, and one of the largest in the University. It is the only
>accredited Library and Information Science program in Arizona and in
>eleven other mountain states. The School has a long history of educating
>Hispanic and Native American Librarians and its Knowledge River program
>has been cited nationally as a model for the recruitment and education !
>of minorities in the information professions (Library Journal, October,
>2002. The 18% minority enrollments at SIRLS far exceed average U of A
>graduate department minority enrollments.
>Based on the recent Academic and Accreditation Reviews, we knew this about
>the program. We are aware of the several strengths: demand for the
>program within the state, the region and the nation; the programs
>excellence in serving university diversity goals; and the intellectual
>synergies with information science and technology overall...we have
>reached the conclusion that SIRLS should not be eliminated, and that it
>should retain its academic home in the College of Behavioral and Social
>While this has not exactly been the most fun semester for faculty, staff,
>students and SIRLS (in fact I would rate it as the worst of my career),
>some very productive things for SIRLS are emerging from this
>experience. Be on the lookout for further announcements!...and finally,
>heartfelt thanks to all of you who wrote letters to President Likens,
>Provost Davis, Arizona legislators and the Board of Regents. Every single
>one helped!
Brooke Sheldon
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