I am pleased to announce the arrival and table of contents of the third issue of Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide, the first scholarly, peer-reviewed on-line journal dedicated to nineteenth-century art history.  This Journal has been spearheaded by the Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art, an affiliated society of the College Art Association.  The Journal web page is available at: www.19thc-ArtWorldwide.org

This issue will be online until April when a special issue, edited by Linda Nochlin on "The Darwin Effect: Evolution and Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture" will appear.  All previous issues of the Journal are archived and remain easily accessible from the web page.  Beginning in January 2004, articles and reviews published in the Journal will be abstracted by the Bibliography of the History of Art.

Maura Coughlin, "Millet's Milkmaids"
Nicholas Frankel, "The Ecstasy of Decoration: The Grammar of Ornament as Embodied Experience"
Paul A. Manoguerra, "Anti-Catholicism in Albert Bierstadt's Roman Fish Market, Arch of Octavius"
Camilla Murgia, "The Rouillet Process and Drawing Education in Mid-Nineteenth-Century France"

Janis Bergman-Carton on The Emergence of Jewish Artists in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Alan C. Braddock on Thomas Eakins: American Realist
Colleen Denney on Deborah Cherry's book Beyond the Frame: Feminism and Visual Culture, Britain, 1850-1900
Julie L'Enfant on Heather McPherson's book The Modern Portrait in Nineteenth-Century France
Michelle C. Montgomery on Against the Modern: Dagnan-Bouveret and the Transformation of the Academic Tradition
Gabriel P. Weisberg on Bodies of Art, French Literary Realism and the Artist's Model, and the La Belle Epoque de la Pub
Janet Whitmore on American Sublime: Landscape Painting in the United States, 1820-1880

We ask that your library include the journal as an art historical link from your web page since an electronic journal has special issues associated with diffusion.  We have continued to be able to provide this journal free of charge through donations from individuals and institutions.  If you would like to make an institutional donation to assure that this journal remains readily available, we will be happy to provide you with an invoice and other documentation you might need.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have about the Journal.

Sura Levine
Promotions Manager, NCAW
Associate Professor of Art History
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002
413-559-5493 (voice)
413-559-5438 (fax)
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