

Any suggestions for this poor grad student will be gratefully accepted.
She's looking for academic research on industrial design, particularly
theory, and including other master's theses. She's already looking in all
possible indexes--Art Index/Full Text; BHA; daai; Artbibliographies
Modern; Masters Abstracts International; DAI. If anyone knows of an
unusual source, I'd like to hear about it. If your institution produces a
reasonable number of theses on this topic and there's any way to look then
up, I'd be happy to know about it.

"For my thesis, I will be looking at the relationship between academic and
professional approaches to industrial design research. A portion of the
work will be based on a website devoted to Industrial Design research that
I am creating this semester. As you may know, industrial design does not
have a strong academic tradition. I've found surprisingly little
information about theories of industrial design."

Edith L. Crowe
Art & Humanities Librarian
San Jose State University Library

Corresponding Secretary of the Mythopoeic Society