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VRA 2003 Annual Conference, April 7-12, Houston

Workshop 2
Creating Intellectual Property Policy and Guidelines for the Visual
Resources Collection

Sponsored by the VRA Intellectual Property Rights Committee
Leader: Georgia Harper, Office of General Counsel, University of Texas System
Coordinator: Maryly Snow, University of California at Berkeley

Registration Fee: $95 (boxed lunch included)
Limit: 60 participants

Prerequisite: Research your institution's IP policies and personnel
who would be involved in approving or revising a copyright policy for
your VR collection.

This workshop is THE time to begin drafting policies for your visual
resources collection that are consistent with copyright law. Led by
UT System Counsel Georgia Harper, a strong advocate of fair use,
including its application to the use of 35mm slides and digital
images, this workshop will get you up to speed AND writing
appropriate policies for your VR collection. We will explore the use
of copystand, vendor, and donor slides for course websites; digital
projection; VR digital images in student papers; shooting multiple
copies of slides for collection and personal use; and teaching
abroad. You will leave the workshop with draft policy statements
suitable for posting or approval by your own institution. The
workshop is composed of four sections: Defining Fair Use of Visual
Resources; Evaluating and Improving Policies and Guidelines;
Drafting/Writing Policy; and Presenting Your Draft Back Home.
Participants will prepare for the workshop by searching for their own
institution's intellectual property policies for evaluation in Part
Two and to guide their drafting process in Part Three.