

Dear ARLIS-L Members:

Does anyone on the list know of any non-profits that have paid design or
graphic arts internships that engage in social action work that make a
difference in people's lives?  A student e-mailed me the following request.
I thought if I could include these kinds of opportunities on the Design for
Social Change site that would at least get him headed in the direction he
wants to go into--that and many other students like him.  I know this isn't
an easy request but I'm sure list members know of these types of


This is what this student has stated:

"When I first signed up for [my design] program, I hoped to eventually use
the skills I would acquire "to convey messages for the betterment of world,
via political, personal expression and/or social environmental change . . .
to develop projects that will have social, political or cultural agendas to
communicate with the public."

I have since become concerned - having heard how professors
refer to students, having heard students talk amongst themselves, having
looked at various things on the internet, having spoken with the
departmental advisor - that something equivalent to a career in
advertising may be all that I have to look forward to. I knew beforehand
that this would be an option, but I never thought of it as a near certainty.

I found your email addresses at
Your website seems geared toward others with goals much like mine.

I am not planning to and likely never will attend the University of Arizona,

but I hope that perhaps you'd be willing to help me. What are my chances of
finding employment doing the work I've described? What steps can I start
taking now to securing such a future? Is there any other person(s) or
organization(s) I should contact? Etc., etc., etc?

Any help you could offer would, of course, be deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

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