

> I'm forwarding the following from Vicky Bohm:
Daniel Fermon
Assistant Librarian
Museum of Modern Art Library
11 W. 53rd Street
New York, N.Y.
(212) 708-9434

> TO:  members of the NYCDG
> FROM:  Vicky Bohm, Watson Library
> IN RE:  minutes for the April 8, 2002 meeting, Met. Mus. Uris Conference
> Rm.
> 1.  Michelle Murray, chair of the VRA/NY, had been in contact with VRB
> about
> possibly arranging a joint meeting of VRA/NY and perhaps the NYCDG or
> ARLIS/NY.  The NYCDG thought it a good idea in general, however, it was
> agreed that Michelle would be referred to Paula Gabbard, Chair of
> though any NYCDG members wishing to attend the next VRA/NY meeting, when
> the
> time is set, could do so.  A VRA attendance at an NYCDG meeting might
> prove
> useful if the topic(s) to be discussed were specific enough to both
> groups,
> such a site-specific entities or the use of LC authority forms by VRA.
> (follow up: VRB e-mail sent to Michelle and cc to Paula;  Paula sent reply
> to Michelle, cc. to VRB and to Danny Fermon))
> 2.  Reports and opinions given about the joint VRA/NA and ARLIS/NA
> conference in St. Louis:  general concesus that it was a good conference
> with good coverage of joint topics.  Sub-discussions about a few of those
> topics,  e.g.  whether or not VRA could or would want to use MARC or as
> MARC-similar as possible standards, and LC authority standards, or whether
> they might develope their own brand of standards;  metadata related to
> VRA;
> VRA-data-core;  the actual labor-intensive work which might be needed to
> implement new standards vs. standards adopted from existing ones.
> 3.  The question was raised whether it might be beneficial to ask someone
> from the CAT. POLICY OFFICE to officially attend the ARLIS/NA conference
> in
> Batimore.
> 4.  It was noted that cataloging has become a more important theme for
> discussion groups, panels, and sessions at the ARLIS conferences in
> general.
> With the change now in emphasis as to how panels and papers will now be
> recommended, it may possible for individuals to propose papers on very
> specific subjects to be presented or pulled together as part of panel with
> other relevant papers.  It was noted that the point-counter point feature
> at
> a conference could offer the opportunity for such "confrontations"  as a
> cataloger and a reference person,  or an administrator and a cataloger,
> or
> collection development person and a cataloger.
> 5.  Briefly touched upon was the subject of a library switching their
> classification system in any way, such as Watson switching form its own
> class system to the LC system, or MOMA using more than one system as it
> physically changes its locations.  Points mentioned were how curators
> looked
> upon such changes, the effects it would have on browsing the actual stacks
> as well as how the online catalogs registered the classification system or
> systems for the patrons, and when and who did what changes at what point
> in
> the overall work-flow.  Related side issues were bar-coding and targeting,
> re-con reclassification, and what to to with slip-cases, plastic covers,
> dust jackets, etc.
> 6.  A late question raised was:  since the Whitney is down to one RLIN
> access, hourly, did anyone know of any free downloads = Voyager's
> connection
> to LC.
> 7.  The host for the next meeting will by the Morgan  --  date and time to
> be confirmed.

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