Dear Art & Design School Librarians

If you are like me, you do not normally rise at 6:30 on a Saturday morning....unless you are planning to attend the ADSL Division annual meeting on Saturday, March 23rd, from 8am to 9:30am, in Grand Ballroom C of the Hyatt Regency at Union Station, St. Louis.

Be there if you can.

ADSL Division members have been busy-bees, as usual, sponsoring, planning, and moderating two seminars, a session, and a workshop at this year's conference. Try to fit at least one of the following into your schedule:

- Seminar 1: Me, Myself  I: The Solo Professional (Moderators: Eumie Imm-Stroukoff, Georgia O'Keeffe Museum; Paul Glassman, New York School of Interior Design). Saturday, March 23rd, 2-3:30pm

- Seminar 5: Is a Picture Really Worth a Thousand Words?: Information Literacy and the Visual Learner (Moderator: Paul Glassman, New York School of Interior Design). Monday, March 25th, 3:30-5pm

- Session 8: Hey Now, What's that Sound, Anybody Know What's Going On? (Moderator: Henrietta Zielinski, School of the Art Institute of Chicago). Monday, March 25th, 11am-1pm

- Workshop 9: Public Speaking without Fear & Trembling (proposed by Paul Glassman, New York School of Interior Design). Friday, March 22nd, 1-5pm

Do you have a great idea for a session/seminar/workshop or poster session for NEXT YEAR? If so, go back and read the message posted by Joan Stahl to ARLIS-L on Monday, March 4, 2002 (if you didn't save it, just go to and check out the arlis-l archives for March). Then, share your idea(s) with colleagues -- you can do this by posting a message to ARLIS-L or announcing your idea during the business meeting. We hope to see lots of conference proposals from ADSL Division members.

There will be an election for a new Vice-Moderator/Moderator-Elect at our annual meeting. I'm happy to confirm that Kari Horowicz has agreed to run. Other nominations are welcome. If you wish your name (or someone else's) to stand for election, please let me know.

Our current Vice-Moderator, Alan Michelson, will take over as Moderator after the St. Louis meeting. Ellie Nacheman has kindly agreed to continue for another year as our Update Column Editor (thank you Ellie!). Kari Horowicz is putting finishing touches on a new ADSL Division website but can't continue as Website Editor. Another ADSL Division member will be appointed  to fill her shoes, once we have the logistics of website hosting worked out.

We are looking forward to a lively meeting, full of good discussion and opportunities to meet and network. Our Agenda is quite full (see below) but we are open to suggestions -- If you have any ideas or items to bring forward, just let me know.

Hope to see you there.

Jill Patrick
Moderator, Art & Design School Library Division
Director of Library Services
Ontario College of Art & Design
100 McCaul Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 1W1
tel (416) 977-6000 ext 348
fax (416) 977-6006
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Business Meeting
Art & Design School Library Divison
St. Louis
Saturday, March 23, 2002, 8-9:30am

1. Introductions (J.Patrick)

2. 2002 Sessions sponsored by ADSL Division (J.Patrick)

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (J.Patrick)

3. Strategic plan action items
- Web site (K.Horowicz)
- Accreditation Roster (A.Michelson)
- Internship roster (J.Patrick)
- Shared statistics (J.Patrick)

4. Report from Update column editor (E.Nacheman)

5. Election/Appointment
- Vice-moderator/moderator - Nominees: Kari Horowicz
- Website Editor - tba

6. Proposals for 2003 Conference in Baltimore (J.Patrick)

7. New Business (J.Patrick)

8. Adjournment (A.Michelson)