

The following is posted on behalf of Jeannette Dixon and Mary Clare

AAG Annual Meeting Invitation

All ARLIS/NA and VRA 2002 conference attendees are invited to participate
in the RLG Art & Architecture Group Annual Meeting in St. Louis.  The
meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 26th, 10:00am - 1:30pm in
Regency Ballroom C in the conference hotel (the SCIPIO Users Group meeting
will take place in the same room from 8:30am to 9:30am).

The first part of the meeting will include reports from the AAG Steering
Committee, representatives from several programs and projects, and from
the RLG Board (a detailed agenda will be posted to the RLG website
shortly). Afterwards, break-out discussion groups will meet over a light
lunch. If you have a topic you would like to suggest, please contact
Jeannette Dixon, [log in to unmask] or Mary Clare Altenhofen,
[log in to unmask]

We look forward to seeing you in St. Louis.

Mary Clare Altenhofen
AAG Steering Committee, Incoming Chair

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