

ARLIS/NY Celine Palatsky Travel Award

ARLIS/NY is pleased to offer its annual Celine Palatsky Travel Award
for the 2002 conference to be held in St. Louis. One award of $500 will
be offered.

Applicants must be current members of both ARLIS/NY and ARLIS/NA.
Preference will be given to first-time conference attendees and to
applicants who are actively participating in the conference (as a
speaker or committee member, for example).  Please note that applicants
may not be recipients of full institutional funding.

Please send a resume and a letter of application stating your ARLIS
interests and expected activities at the conference as well as your
address, phone number and e-mail postmarked before January 25 2002 to:

Paula Gabbard, ARLIS/NY Travel Award Chair
Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library
1172 Amsterdam Ave. MC 0301
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027

The chair will notify applicants of the travel committee's decision by
Feb. 8, 2002.

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