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>>> NINCH-ANNOUNCE <[log in to unmask]> 10/15/01 1:38:02 PM >>>
News on Networking Cultural Heritage Resources
from across the Community
October 15, 2001

                          Visions of the Future?

If you know of any examples of particularly forward-looking museums, 
libraries and archives, or projects within them that are able to 
project key elements of the future, then contact Henrietta Hopkins at 
the UK's Resource, which is compiling a record of such intimations of 
our future.

For further information on Resource, see 

David Green

Subject: museums, libraries and archives of the future
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 14:46:14 +0100
From: Henrietta <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] 

Dear list members

I would like to ask for your help.  Resource: The Council for Museums,
Archives and Libraries in the UK is currently thinking about what
museums, libraries and archives will look like in 10 years time.  I
would like to bring an international dimension to this by identifying
examples of innovative museums, libraries and archives across the world
which might provide some indication of where the future lies.

If you have suggestions for museum institutions or projects which seem
to you to fall in to this category, I would be very grateful if you
could contact me by 22 October. Please include a brief summary of why
they are innovative and contact details so that I can follow up your

With many thanks for your help.

Henrietta Hopkins
International Policy Adviser
Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives & Libraries
16 Queen Anne's Gate
London SW1H 9AA
Tel: + 20 7273 1430
Email: [log in to unmask] 

Mail submissions to [log in to unmask]
Administrative matters (file requests, subscription requests, etc)
        to [log in to unmask]
ARLIS-L Archives and subscription maintenance:
Questions may be addressed to list owner (Kerri Scannell) at: [log in to unmask]