

On Thu, 31 May 2001 10:12:58 EDT, Edith Crowe <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I recently got the kind of reference question I rarely see, and I'd
>appreciate help from those of you who get this sort of thing more often.
>I have some one with a serigraph by someone named Orozco (first name
>unknown), which he bought at an auction. He describes it as geometric. I
>haven't been able to turn up any Orozco that fits with a work of this
>sort. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing either Jose Clemente
>Orozco or Gabriel Orozco would do, but maybe they had secret lives as
>serigraphers that I don't know about. Does this ring any bells with
>Edith Crowe
>San Jose State University
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I was looking for books on Mexican artists yesterday and came across a book
on Carlos Orozco Romero who did geometrical seriagraphs and was in the
Tamayo, Merida, etc. generation. It's in Spanish- the author is Margarita
Nelkin and it was published in 1959 by the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
Mexico Direccion General de Publicaciones. I bet that this is your man!

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